Keeping your account and payments secure with identity verification
CardUp admin
Oct 4, 2024 4:32:15 PM

All of us at CardUp are dedicated to the safety and security of our users and all of your accounts and payments. While we've launched our MyInfo integration last year, we're now also excited to roll out more identity verification methods to provide you with more options to get your accounts up and running!
As a financial institution to be regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), CardUp takes account security and identity protection seriously. Our stringent identity verification processes protects your user identity and account, ensuring the security of your information and payment details. Our processes are 100% compliant with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), as part of our requirement to identify our users.
Over the years, we've also improved our verification processes, such as rolling out our integration with MyInfo for valid SingPass holders. This allows us to use the information verified with the Singapore Government to confirm the identities of our CardUp users.
While only valid SingPass account holders could utilise our MyInfo integrations to verify their identities automatically, other users were able to fill in their account information manually through our on-site forms.
We are excited to announce that we've just upgraded this functionality and made it even more secure now, but as simple as ever!
Here's what you need to do to verify your identity:
If you are a valid SingPass holder, you can select completing your profile with MyInfo, which will take just a few clicks!
If you do not have access to SingPass, you can also take just a few minutes of your time to complete your profile manually.
Select the type of identity document you wish to upload to start verifying your identity - you can select either your passport, or your Singapore-issued Identity Card (NRIC / FIN).
Be rest assured that our processes are 100% compliant with MAS regulations and the Personal Data Protection Act, and that all your information will be encrypted and stored securely!
If you choose to upload your identity card, you will be prompted to upload both the front and back of your document separately. To do so, you can either click on 'Continue on phone' to continue the rest of the process on your phone, or 'Upload photo' to upload a photo of your document on your desktop.
If you select 'Continue on phone', you will be given a secure QR code link. Simply scan the QR code on your phone to be directed to a page where you will take a photo of the front and back of your document!
Once you're done, you'll be asked to take a quick selfie for our system to compare it against the identity document you just uploaded. Face forward and make sure your eyes are clearly visible - and remove your glasses if necessary!
Once you're done, you'll see a note on your phone to return to your desktop. In a few seconds, your screen on your desktop will be updated to reflect your current status; that your document and selfies are both uploaded!
On the next screen, we need you to take just a few seconds to complete the rest of your profile, including your residential address and date of birth.
We also require you to verify your address, as per requirements by the MAS. If you have already uploaded your NRIC as your identity document showing your address, we can use it as proof. Otherwise, we need a recent bank statement or utility bill showing your address.
Click on 'Save details', and you are done!
Have an existing account and not verified your profile yet? Due to regulations, you are now required to verify your profiles in order to continue using our platform. The above process takes just a few minutes, and will allow us to verify your identity better and keep your account and payments even more secure.
New users will also be prompted to go through the above flow after signing up for a new account.