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Defending Against Email Threats with Filtering

The CardUp Team Aug 30, 2024 8:13:06 PM

In today's digital age, the influx of emails can be overwhelming. Among the numerous messages that land in your inbox, many are simply unwanted and uninvited (i.e., spam/junk), or are security risks to you (such as phishing attempts, malware attacks, etc.).

To stay safe from email security threats, you can make use of email filtering, which is like a virtual security guard for your inbox. It checks every email that comes in and decides if the email is safe or not. This way, it keeps out any dangerous and/or suspicious emails, while letting the safe ones through. Thus, it is akin to having an extra layer of protection for your emails.


Why Email Filtering is important?

  1. Protection from Spam: Email filtering is the first line of defence against the annoyance caused by and potential risks brought about by spam. It keeps your inbox clean from unsolicited advertisements and irrelevant messages.

  2. Defence against Phishing: Phishing emails are designed to trick you into revealing your personal information, such as login credentials, and financial details. Email filtering helps detect and block these deceptive messages; thus, reducing your vulnerability to phishing attacks.

  3. Malware Prevention: Some emails contain malicious attachments or links that can infect your device with harmful software. Email filtering scans for these threats and keeps them at bay.

  4. Content Control: You can customise email filtering rules, thereby allowing you to manage the flow of specific content types in your inbox according to your needs and security preferences.


How Email Filtering Works

  1. Setting up Rules: You can create email filters based on specific criteria, such as sender information, subject lines, or content keywords. These rules dictate what actions to take on incoming emails.

  2. Whitelisting and Blacklisting: You can maintain lists of trusted senders (whitelist) and known spammers (blacklist) to customise your filtering preferences.

  3. Categorisation and Sorting: Filters can automatically categorise emails into folders or labels, thereby making it easier for you to find and manage messages.


How to Maximise Email Filtering Effectiveness

  1. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest email threats and security best practices.

  2. Report Suspicious Emails: If you receive an email that looks suspicious, report it to your email provider. They can, then, investigate and take appropriate action including, but not limited to, blocking the harmful email from other users' inboxes.

  3. Regularly Review Filters: Periodically check and adjust your email filtering rules to ensure they still align with your needs and preferences.

  4. Avoid Clicking Suspicious Links: Even with email filtering in place, exercise caution when clicking links or downloading attachments from unknown or unexpected sources.


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